
Instal the new Hovercraft - Build Fly Retry
Instal the new Hovercraft - Build Fly Retry

instal the new Hovercraft - Build Fly Retry

Not to mention I spent a week maxing out my car only to see the game crash before my car even gets through half its fuel. I bring up this not only because it is frustrating to have a good quality phone and be on good Wi-Fi only to have the game crash mid way through a drive. I wish this bug can be patched so I can actually get a higher score. My high score exactly is 20,453 but any time I hit it or get a point above the game crashes and restarts itself every time. The only little nit pick I have is that the game glitches out whenever I try to reach over 20,000 high score. This game and all the others allow for custom vehicles and the ability to tune them which I haven't seen in any other games yet. This game is a very good pass time of mine, I actually have all the this app games made by you guys.

Instal the new Hovercraft - Build Fly Retry